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Domain Name- your .com name, for example ( or (
Hosting- process in which a website is provided, maintained, and ran on the companies behalf.
in simpler terms; the service the company gives you to maintain your domain name.
Bandwith-The range of frequencies a transmission line or channel can carry: the higher the frequency the higher the bandwidth and the greater the information carrying capacity of a channel. Bandwidth is most accurately expressed in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz), which measures the amount of information that can flow through a channel. But, it's also common to use bits or bytes per second instead.
Banner Ads- Those graphic advertisements that you see at the top of so many Web pages.
Affiliate Programs- a program in which you promote someone else's webpage
HTML- Hypertext Markup Language. We'll learn more about this later on.
Redirect- This happens when the domain user wants to expand his domain names, and he/she "redirects" that certain domain name to another webpage.
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